Monday, January 17, 2011


So...we got school tomorrow...and guess who's not ready to go back. -_- Anyway today was Martin Luther King's birthday celebration so my grammy, 2 of my cousins and I went to some rally thingy. It was boring so we left to go to Cici's pizza >_< Then we came back home and watched Sister Sister! Whooooooooooo!!!! Then when they left I was kind of rushing to get ready for school cause I wanted to get back to my Korean music! ^^ and some lady nominated me for some thing so I had to type something >_> *you see how much information I get in all the stuff I'm involved in _-_* So I'm going to go exercise for a little bit then learn this Japanese song! *it's my favorite Koreans singing it though ^^* Oh! Yesterday I watched Matilda! That movie is awesome! =) Welp that's all that's going on in my life! LATERZ!


btd. said...

Yay for Ci ci's! xD

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